Uncategorized (page 55)

Soy Not All It’s Cracked Up To Be

Marketing soy as a product that will help alleviate hot flashes has allowed soy producers to make a dent in dairy sales. However, researchers from the Mayo Clinic have nixed the soy producers' claims. "Despite optimistic hopes that this soy phytoestrogen product would alleviate hot flashes, the scientific data from this study demonstrated that it did not help," said one researcher.
Posted March 1, 2000 at 12:00 am

Nanny Get Together

Students at Penn State University will hold a conference March 31st-April 2nd designed to "join together activists from numerous political and social movements." Topics for discussion include making animal rights a social justice issue, attacking the beef industry, the promotion of a vegan lifestyle, a presentation by anti-milk activist Robert Cohen, and the use of civil disobedience. This meeting reinforces the fact that nanny groups of all stripes are uniting to take on issues outside of their normal individual agendas.
Posted March 1, 2000 at 12:00 am

Marketing To Fear

Soy milk advocates have taken advantage of nanny fear campaigns vilifying milk with a brilliant marketing strategy that has made tremendous inroads on the dairy market. Soy milk producers are but one of many companies learning to market to the fear activists create, thereby changing the way some products and industries are perceived.
Posted February 29, 2000 at 12:00 am

Against Saving Children’s Lives

New genetically engineered rice could save the lives of two million children a year and prevent blindness in many more. Who could possibly be against such wonderful technology? How about the nannies from Greenpeace and the Union of Concerned Scientists.
Posted February 25, 2000 at 12:00 am

Tony Blair’s About Face

In a troubling development, British Prime Minister Tony Blair has given in to activist hysteria and reversed his support of genetically engineered foods. Without any evidence, he proclaimed GE foods were "potentially harmful."
Posted February 25, 2000 at 12:00 am

Showing Their True Colors

Nanny nonsense abounds in this article from Penn State's Daily Collegian. The author wholeheartedly endorses Neal D. Barnard, president of the radical animal-rights group Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, and repeats Barnard's ridiculous claim that milk drinkers are "at higher risk for osteoporosis than those who drink little or no milk."
Posted February 24, 2000 at 12:00 am

Overseas Nannies Threaten US Farmers

The Iceland supermarket chain in Great Britain warned North American farmers that it will boycott all animal products that come from livestock reared on genetically engineered diets. "Farmers in America and Canada are about to sow. We want to send a message to them that we are serious about this and we want them to do something now," said an Iceland spokesman. No doubt, Iceland's activism is prompted by their chairman Malcom Walker, one of Greenpeace's major funders. ("Food store warns of extension to non-GM feed policy," Financial Times, 2/23/00.)
Posted February 22, 2000 at 12:00 am

A Journalism Don’t

The Boston Globe's coverage of the genetically engineered food debate takes a wrong turn in this very anti-biotech article. The Globe doesn't acknowledge that Oldways Preservation & Exchange Trust (the source for the article) is the founder of Chef's Collaborative 2000, a radically anti-GE and anti-choice group of nanny chefs.
Posted February 22, 2000 at 12:00 am

Greenpeace Sows ‘FrankenFears’ With Media Help

Canadian columnist Tommy Schnurmacher takes a hard look at the "anti-science witch hunt" stalking genetically engineered food producers. He decries the fact that activists whipping up hysteria are being aided by "sycophantic members of the media."
Posted February 17, 2000 at 12:00 am

Setting The Record Straight On Nanny’s Favorite Type Of Agriculture

The American Council of Science and Health has launched a withering attack on organic agriculture's manure-based growing methods.
Posted February 16, 2000 at 12:00 am