Food & Beverage (page 194)

Alar Alarm All Over Again

The radically anti-pesticide nannies at the Environmental Working Group (EWG) are trying to scare people into buying organic produce, specifically apples. EWG has issued a new report that some…
Posted April 4, 2000 at 12:00 am

More Java Jive

Despite numerous peer-reviewed studies attesting to coffee's safety and benefits, British journalist Jane Clarke goes bonkers over your morning cuppa java. She cites many of CSPI's baseless complaints against caffeine and declares "[C]affeine is capable of completely undermining your body's natural state of well-being." ("Body & mind: a mug's game," The Observer, 4/2/00.)
Posted April 4, 2000 at 12:00 am

Join In The Food Fight!

The San Francisco Chronicle has requested comments on its website to discuss changes in the USDA's food pyramid, a proposed federal tax on high-calorie food, and the using of the upcoming Nutrition Summit to fight an "epidemic" of obesity. By all means, speak out against these "ill-advised attempts to control behavior," as the Chronicle calls the proposed government initiatives.
Posted March 27, 2000 at 12:00 am

All Aboard The Nanny Bandwagon

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution jumps on the "Let's blame restaurants for obesity" bandwagon. An article in the Constitution says restaurant portions, restaurant marketing practices, and even the kinds of foods restaurants sell contribute to obesity in America.
Posted March 17, 2000 at 12:00 am

Comic Strip Character Echoes Nanny Sentiment

Ambassador Duke of the "Doonesbury" comic strip recently announced he was running for president. In a Larry King Live "interview," Duke voiced his support for the nanny's favorite weapon, a "fat tax." "I think there's a huge social cost for obesity hereā€¦ We tax smokers. Why not overeaters?," said Duke.
Posted March 14, 2000 at 12:00 am

Restaurant Portion Sizes Unjustly Linked To Obesity

Once again, restaurant portions are under attack. Restaurant pasta, steak, and fish portions are just too big, says Dr. Barbara Rolls of Pennsylvania State University. People in her recent study tended to eat "more when they were given larger portions." Therefore, she concludes restaurant portions are contributing to obesity. The study does not address whether restaurant managers physically threatened patrons to ensure they ate the food that supposedly leads to their obesity. ("Health Tips," United Press International, 3/15/00.)
Posted March 13, 2000 at 12:00 am

We Told You Kids Wouldn’t Eat It

Last year, Center For Consumer Freedom voiced skepticism about Berkeley, California's school district scheme to serve students only organic, pesticide-free, politically correct fare. Now, not surprisingly to us, Restaurants and Institutions magazine is reporting that since starting the all-organic program, participation levels among kids eligible for free or reduced-cost meals has plunged 50% for breakfast and 30% for lunch. ("Food, news & people," Restaurants and Institutions, 3/15/00.)
Posted March 10, 2000 at 12:00 am

Fat Hits The Fan

The Center for Science in the Public Interest’s Michael F. Jacobson has collaborated with fellow nanny Dr. Marion Nestle of New York University to spell out a battle plan to…
Posted March 9, 2000 at 12:00 am

More Popular Seafood Targeted By Activists

Following on the heels of the fact-less "Give Swordfish A Break" media campaign, some activists are now trying to get the public to stop eating tuna, shrimp, salmon, pollock and more. These anti-choice activists are producing "information" guides they hope will alter consumer-eating habits to align with their political agenda.
Posted March 7, 2000 at 12:00 am

Demands For New Fat Taxes Grow Louder

Seizing upon recent headlines declaring an obesity "epidemic," the Worldwatch Institute issued a plan on how to modify American eating patterns. The plan is, in their own words "modeled on the successful campaign to discourage smoking." The report joins Kelly Brownell of Yale University and others in calling for new taxes on fast foods, warning labels for "high fat" and "high sodium" packages foods and more regulation of food advertising."
Posted March 3, 2000 at 12:00 am