Animal Rights Extremism (page 120)

Rewarding Terrorism?

Eco-terrorists at the Animal Liberation Front have confessed to a rash of arsons, including the firebombing of a meat plant, in the San Francisco Bay area in recent months. The Foundation for Biomedical Research quotes ALF spokesperson David Barbarash as saying, "Whoever these ALF activists are, they're doing a damn fine job of inflicting economic damages to these companies, and they should be rewarded for their courage and bravery!"
Posted March 22, 2000 at 12:00 am

Corn-fed Cattle Can’t Compare?

In endorsing yesterday's "Great American Meatout Day," Indiana Governor Frank O'Bannon asked Hoosiers to "explore a wholesome diet of whole grains, vegetables and fresh fruit." Not only is he off-base impugning meat as not wholesome, O'Bannon's oblivious to the positive impact cattle-raising and corn-fed cattle have on his state. (Indianapolis Star, "Read All About It!")
Posted March 21, 2000 at 12:00 am

Meatout 2000: Marketing Fear

Vegetarian foodmaker Fantastic Foods uses Meatout 2000 as an opportunity to sell their meatless meals by perpetuating groundless fears and pushing junk science in a news release.
Posted March 20, 2000 at 12:00 am

Does Anyone Notice A Bias Here?

Virginian-Pilot columnist B.J. Atkinson, who has written at least one syndicated article on PETA's behalf ("Former cattle rancher says Dump Meat," Knight Ridder, 9/8/98), does her best to promote the Farm Animal Reform Movement's "Great American Meatout," a.k.a. Meatout 2000. This nanny posing as a journalist isn't content to plug vegetarianism at the expense of the meat eating; she goes after milk, too. ("Annual 'Meatout' can be springboard for vegetarian diet," The Virginian-Pilot, 3/15/00.)
Posted March 17, 2000 at 12:00 am

Perpetuating The Soy Myth

Even journalists in the heart of dairy country are promoting the soy myth. The Madison Wisconsin’s Capital Times says, “If women seek to ease symptoms of menopause without using hormones…
Posted March 15, 2000 at 12:00 am

PETA Predicts Earth Day Violence DC

The militant People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) joined '99 Nanny Award winner Paul McCartney in urging local Earth Day festivity organizers to declare their April 22 events "meat-free." PETA warns they will disrupt Earth Day's main event on the Washington Mall, threatening, "In the event animal flesh is sold on the Mall, animal rights activists have vowed to overturn food tables."
Posted March 13, 2000 at 12:00 am

Granting Animals ‘Human Rights’

TIME magazine looks at Harvard law professor Steven Wise's bizarre campaign to secure "human rights" for certain animals like chimpanzees. TIME totally ignores Wise's long-term goal of granting human rights to even farm animals. In 1999, Wise told CNBC, "Animals on a farm are still decades away from even possibly getting legal rights," but that he was working on it.
Posted March 9, 2000 at 12:00 am

Vegetarians Seek USDA Approval

The anti-meat, anti-dairy nannies from U.S. Humane Society and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals have joined together for a final push to change the USDA food pyramid. They want the "dairy group" name changed to "dairy and soy milk group" and they want the USDA dietary guidelines to "explicitly" promote vegan and vegetarian eating habits.
Posted March 6, 2000 at 12:00 am

PCRM Plays The Plague Card

Knight-Ridder News Service gives Murry J. Cohen of militant animal-rights group Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine a free ride in a syndicated editorial. In effort to scare to public with baseless claims about meat and dairy products, Cohen writes: "As we fret over the possibility of a modern plague, we live a self-fulfilling prophecy by continuing to eat meat and other animal products." ("Eating responsibly in the age of the epidemic," Knight-Ridder, 3/1/00.)
Posted March 1, 2000 at 12:00 am

Denying Responsibility

When questioned about the rabid animal rights group's sometimes violent tactics, the leader of the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals' anti-fur campaign said, "I think that when PETA picks a target, it's hard to control what our members will do. We have 600,000 members across the world, and when something happens we hear about it after the fact." How convenient…
Posted February 28, 2000 at 12:00 am