Filed Under: Uncategorized

Our Week In Review

If you’ve been reading the Center for Consumer Freedom’s Daily Headlines this week…

You’ve seen how animal rights zealots are threatening to make college campuses their next big battleground and how government labels on organic veggies are no guarantee that they’ll be safer or healthier than conventional foods.

You’ve learned that a growing number of Oregonians are too smart to swallow environmental scare tactics about genetically improved foods, and that SHAC’s “dirty dozen” may soon be making all their threats from the inside of a Massachusetts prison.

You’ve read about new evidence that biotech food crops could save literally millions of lives and about scientifically illiterate protesters who are still determined to keep them away from starving populations.

You know why spooky tales about “mad deer” should be taken about as seriously as midnight ghost stories, and why federal law enforcement isn’t laughing at the Earth Liberation Front’s “trick or treat” costume.

If you know someone who should be reading the Center for Consumer Freedom Daily Headlines, drop them an e-mail telling them to start!

More on “Uncategorized”

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Fur Bans Are Unconstitutional, Consumer Group Says

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Chipotle: B.S. Burritos

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