Filed Under: Celebrities

Turner-About Isn’t Fair Play

Ted Turner is investing a quarter-billion dollars over the next five years to fight the threat of bioterrorism. It’s certainly a laudable goal. But Ted could save a few bucks and still stop destruction — by vowing to cut off all Turner Foundation funding of violent radical anti-“globalism” groups.

The Turner Foundation has doled out cash to the Ruckus Society, which runs “action camps” before major protests to train activists in “urban climbing and rappelling,” “police confrontation strategies,” and other forms of disruption. These protests have resulted in destruction of Starbucks, McDonald’s, and other food franchises. In 1999, the Turner Foundation’s $50,000 grant to Ruckus was specifically designated for “support of Direct Action Training Camps.”

Want to find out more about extremist anti-consumer groups, and the foundations that make their work possible? The Center For Consumer Freedom is compiling a massive and detailed online database that “follows the money.” Keep checking Daily Headlines for details.

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